Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which consists of herbal formulas and acupuncture, can be used as a complementary or integrative medicine treatment among cancer patients. Our qualified practitioners who have adequate knowledge and skills will base on each individual body’s constitution and causes of syndrome differentiation, carrying out symptomatic treatment. The treatments aim to:
Strengthen the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors
Expel toxins and heat from the body
Promote blood circulation to dispel blood stasis
Dispersing phlegm to soften lumps
From the past several years, our physicians have treated many types of cancer and many different stages of cancer:
Operation might not be suitable for cancer patients who are old, weak or in advanced stage. Our senior physicians will formulate a treatment plan based on individual body’s constitution to strengthen the body’s life forces, boost up the immune system and prolong life expectancy.
Cancer patients always feel weak after operation. Herbal medicine and acupuncture play an important role in accelerating the recovery. Tonification is deemed necessary for patients to restore their vita qi and blood so as to boost up the body energy. It helps strengthen the patient’s immune system, reduce digestive problems and increase blood cells counts so as to minimize the side effects from chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. These will ease any discomforts during chemotherapy and radiotherapy and improve the overall treatment outcome.
TCM has demonstrated the ability to reduce tumour growth and spreading. The TCM-based treatment can alleviate the clinical symptoms and improve the overall quality of life in patients.